Losing weight with liquid is quite easy and simple. At the same time, the alcohol consumption diet is characterized by quick results and effective action.

In addition, the advantage of this weight loss method is that it does not have a negative impact on human health.And if followed correctly, you can lose 1. 5 kg of weight in just one day.
In this review, we will look at the features of the alcohol consumption diet, its advantages and disadvantages, various recipes and how to maintain the results obtained.
First of all, this technique cleanses the entire human body at the cellular level. Its essence is to reduce the load on the digestive system. Thanks to this, the organs come into order and weight loss occurs.
The cleansing of the body is carried out smoothly and is divided into the following stages:
- First week.A superficial cleansing of the human body takes place.
- Second week.The internal organs and digestive system begin to process.
- Third week.A general cleansing of the body begins at the cellular level.
The drinking fast can last up to four weeks.It is important when following a diet that you do not fail so that the cleanse is fully completed. However, excessive persistence is completely useless. It is necessary to observe the "golden" mean.
The drinking diet is considered very useful for people who like to snack constantly. After all, with this technique it is necessary to completely exclude solid food and dishes. In this case, the body will receive the required amount of calories and vitamins from liquid food.
General principles
Nutritionists recommend following a diet for a month and eating every 2 hours. The number of receptions must be at least 5.
The principle of wet fasting consists of the following features:

- Grinding productsthat is, only finely chopped food is accepted. It tends to be well absorbed by the body and does not burden the digestive system. At the same time, crushed food saturates the body faster.
- Diluting food with liquid.To do this, the food is diluted to a drinkable state. Thanks to this method, the saturation of the body occurs faster than when you take solid food.
- Selective food selection.Not all dishes can be converted into a liquid state; for example, cake or pizza are difficult to imagine in liquid form. That is, restrictions are imposed on almost all high-calorie dishes.
- Regulation of organ function and cleansing of the body.By consuming high-calorie foods, our body constantly neutralizes the effects of harmful substances. With an alcohol consumption diet, after 7 days the circulatory system, digestive system, as well as the liver, kidneys and gall bladder begin to be cleansed.
Mechanism of weight loss
The mechanism of weight loss with an alcohol consumption diet is very similar to the mechanism of weight loss with a normal low-calorie diet:
- When you follow a diet, the body begins to take in fewer calories, resulting in weight loss. So, the maximum daily amount is 400-500 calories.
- Such a sharp reduction in calories entering the body forces the body to first use liver glycogen as a source of nutrition, and then muscle tissue. Her body is starting to use the last thing. Therefore, when you diet, excess weight is lost due to water and muscle reserves.
- Fat itself does not disappear anywhere; it also remains in the human body. But by reducing excess fluid in fat cells, a person begins to look thinner.
Characteristics of the first day of the diet
For an unusual body, the first day will be the most difficult, because for you this is a new diet that will last for a long time. On the first day, the habit of eating solid food is still present. Of course, gradually you will get used to it and it will be easier.
In addition, initially the body will be cleansed of harmful substances and various unpleasant sensations may be observed. On the first day, you may not be in a good mood and there will be a general loss of strength in your whole body.
Stages of the alcohol consumption diet
The drinking diet complex is divided into several stages:
- 1-10 daycharacterized by cleansing of the internal organs. During this time, you will want to chew something and there may also be a white coating on your tongue. At the end of the first week, your good mood will be restored and there will be a wave of new forces.
- 11-20 dayThe liver and kidneys begin to be cleansed. A person may feel discomfort in the area of these organs.
- 21-30 daysThe body is cleansed at the cellular level.
What types of alcohol diets are there?
The drinking diet is divided into several varieties.
It depends on the liquid to be used in the diet:

- Compote or jellyprepared from any fruits and berries. The only condition in the drink is the absence of granulated sugar.
- Water.This option is the most difficult and few people can afford it. The water diet consists of drinking at least 1. 5 liters of pure water daily. Ideal when this option is used as a fasting day. You can start a similar diet from one day, gradually increasing to 5-7 days a month. In addition, an important point is the smooth transition to normal nutritional conditions.
- Broth.You can use chicken, beef, fish or vegetable stock. The main thing is that it is cooked at home. Extras you can add include salt, carrots and parsley. It is not recommended to use onions and peppers during cooking.
- Liquid dairy productscan be an excellent basis for dietary nutrition. The fat content when using dairy products should not exceed 2%.
- Fresh juiceit can be used from fruits such as orange, lemon or grapefruit. You should first make sure that you are not allergic to the fruit you are using.
- TeaYou can drink any, just make sure it's sugar free.
Regardless of the type of diet you choose, you must drink plenty of clean water. And as much as possible.
Juice drink
The main product of the chocolate eating diet is hot chocolate or cocoa. Of course, such products have a delicious aroma and a very good taste, while they also contain high nutritional value.
Please note that granulated sugar cannot be added to the drink.
The drink has the following characteristics:
- helps maintain youth due to its antioxidant content.
- has a tonic effect on the body as a whole due to the theobromine it contains.
- improves mood;
- has a positive effect on the respiratory system.
- struggles with depression.
Nutrition products
Be allowed
During an alcohol fast, you can consume almost all liquid foods:

- tea without sugar;
- unsweetened fruit tea.
- coffee without sugar;
- unsweetened cocoa;
- liquid dairy products with a fat content of less than 2% (for example, kefir);
- smoothies;
- gel?
- compote;
- fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
- broth;
- gel?
- pureed soup;
- dietary puree soup.
The following foods are not allowed on this diet:

- vegetable juices;
- any solid dishes;
- fizzy drinks;
- sweet drinks;
- beverages containing caffeine.
- packaged juices sold in stores.
- alcohol;
- liquid dairy products with a fat content of more than 2%.
- pudding;
- products and dishes containing vegetable oil, glucose and granulated sugar.
A liquid-based diet has a number of advantages:
- our body is cleansed of harmful substances and toxins.
- a large amount of energy is released, which the body previously spent on digesting solid food.
- gradually the stomach will shrink, which will allow you to eat less food in the future.
- the extra pounds go away.
- you create a comfortable menu for yourself.
- well-being improves.
- The skin becomes more even.
- The acne on the face goes away.
- the function of the digestive system is normalized.
Despite the significant advantages, liquid diet nutrition has its disadvantages:
- Almost throughout the process there is a feeling of hunger, which is not very comfortable psychologically.
- A smooth transition to solid food is required, as during fasting the body gets used to other foods.
- it is necessary to get vitamins throughout the diet.
- be sure to monitor your bowel movements, they should be once a day.
- It is very difficult to maintain the results obtained, because after a month of dieting, the body wants to eat those foods that it was deprived of. This is why a smooth transition to a normal diet is so important.
- Suitable for people without health problems.
If you have at least one of the listed signs, then an alcohol consumption diet is strictly contraindicated for you:
- any kidney disease;
- diseases of the digestive system;
- pregnancy;
- Breastfeeding?
- hypertension;
- Diabetes;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- tendency to swelling;
- persons under the age of majority;
- elderly people.
Preparation for consumption diet
You can't just go ahead and start liquid fasting tomorrow. It is necessary to carefully prepare the body for this. To do this, you should start following a light diet in a few days. All these recommendations will help your body easily switch to a liquid diet.
Main features of the preparatory period for dietary nutrition:
- Preparation should start 7 days in advance.
- carbonated and alcoholic beverages are excluded;
- exclude high-calorie foods.
- solid foods are excluded.
- decrease in physical activity;
- include liquid cereals, a variety of soups, vegetable salads, fruits and juices in your diet.
- The transition to a new diet should begin gradually, so that the body experiences a minimum of stress.
Depending on how long the diet will last, a specific menu is selected. Initially, the duration of the liquid diet is calculated for one month. However, not everyone can withstand such a long period, so softer versions of the wet menu were drawn up. Let's see what variations you can use.
For 3 days
The menu stands out for its simplicity of preparation. For three days you are required to drink only the permitted drinks.
At the same time, according to nutritionists,the maximum volume of liquid should not exceed two liters.If this number increases, then useful substances will begin to be excreted along with the fluid.
- 1 day– clean water (2 liters).
- Day 2– liquid dairy products with a fat content not exceeding 2%,
- Day 3– freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice or fruit tea.
Green smoothies are very popular with a three-day diet. It is a smoothie to which green algae is added. They can be replaced with fresh wheatgrass. Drink a cocktail as soon as you feel hungry, usually 2-6 times a day. The maximum portion of a green smoothie is 350 ml.
For 5 days
The menu can be selected according to your preferences.You can lose from 1 to 1. 5 kg per day.
Let's see a sample menu:
- 1 day— liquid dairy products with a fat content not exceeding 2%,
- Day 2- broths without added salt or spices.
- Day 3— freshly squeezed fruit and berry juices without sugar;
- 4 day- any tea without sugar
- 5 day- sugar-free jelly or fruit compote.
For 7 days
The seven-day diet includes all the same foods allowed on a liquid diet.In this time you can lose about 15 kg.
- 1 day— liquid dairy products with a fat content not exceeding 2%,
- Day 2- soup purees, broths
- Day 3- compote or juice from fresh fruits and berries.
- 4 day- fresh berry jelly
- 5 day- fruit or berry compote without sugar, you can add dried fruit.
- Day 6- oat-based cocktails
- Day 7— liquid dairy products with a fat content not exceeding 2%.
For 14 days
Using dietary food for two weeks, you should carefully prepare the body. To do this, you need to enter and exit smoothly. You can choose the menu that suits your taste. The main thing is that the daily calorie content of food does not exceed1400 Kcal.
As an example of a diet, consider the following option:
- 1-2 days— liquid dairy products with a fat content not exceeding 2%,
- 3-4 days- broths without salt and spices.
- 5-6 days- unsweetened freshly squeezed fruit and berry juices. The drink must be diluted with clean water.
- 7-8 days- any tea without added granulated sugar.
- 9-10 day- sugar-free jelly.
- 11-12 day— dried fruit compote without added granulated sugar.
- 13-14 day- unsweetened freshly squeezed fruit and berry juices.
For 30 days
This diet is the strictest option. It is difficult for even healthy people to bear. So if you are facing health problems then you should not think about such diet foods. In addition, nutritionists do not recommend extending the duration of liquid fasting.
- 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 days– liquid dairy products with a fat content not exceeding 2%,
- 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 days– broths or pureed soups;
- 3, 10, 17, 24 days– fresh fruit and berry juice or fresh fruit and vegetable juice;
- 4, 11, 18, 25 days- dried fruit compote
- 5, 12, 19, 26 days– fresh fruit and vegetable jelly.
- 6, 13, 20, 27 days– oat jelly
- 7, 14, 21, 28 days- Free.
The consumption diet includes the preparation of special low-calorie drinks or liquid dishes.
Soup with meat broth
- 2 liters of water;
- 100 grams of meat fillet (it is better to use beef).
- 1 piece of potato;
- 1 piece of carrot;
- 1 Mr. c. large. dark rice;
- greenery.

- All the ingredients listed above must be boiled in 2 liters of water until fully cooked.
- Grind the boiled vegetables well using a blender or a regular sieve.
- The main thing is that there are no lumps or lumps in the resulting mixture.
- If the soup is too thick, add water.
vegetable stew
- 200 g cabbage;
- 1 piece of tomato;
- 1 piece of sweet pepper;
- 1 piece of onion.

- Chop the vegetables.
- Simmer for 30 minutes.
- Once everything is ready, you need to grind the products using a blender or a regular sieve.
- Chopped vegetables should be cooked to a jelly state.
Vegetable puree soup with turnips
- 1 piece of carrot;
- 1 piece of potato;
- 70 g turnips;
- 1 glass of milk with a fat content not exceeding 2%.
- wheatgrass;
- meat broth or low-fat water.

- Chop all the vegetables.
- Boil them until fully cooked in low-fat meat stock or water.
- Boiled products must be crushed using a blender or a regular sieve.
- Add some milk and some salt to the mixture.
- Mix everything well.
Berry and oatmeal cocktail
- 1 cup berries.
- 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal;
- 5 tbsp large. low-fat yogurt;
- 1/2 cup of clean water.
- All ingredients, except water, are mixed together and crushed well using a blender.
- Add half a glass of water to the resulting mixture and stir.
- The drink can be decorated with some pieces of fruit or berries.
Tomato soup
- 25 pcs tomatoes;
- 1 piece of onion;
- 1. 5 liters of vegetable broth.
- black pepper;
- salt;
- olive oil.

- Remove the seeds from each tomato. To do this, they are cut into two parts and the inner pulp of the vegetables is removed with a teaspoon.
- Cut the onions into small pieces and mix them with the tomatoes.
- Add some pepper and salt to the mixture. Pour lightly with olive oil and place in a preheated oven at 200°C for half an hour.
- The degree of readiness can be determined by the color of the tomato. It should be brown.
- Add broth to vegetable mixture and place over medium heat.
- After the soup boils, remove it from the heat.
- All vegetables should be finely chopped using a blender.
- The soup can be eaten cold.
Helpful tips
For the diet to bear fruit, you need to follow a few simple rules:
- Don't limit yourself to food.So, if you want 3 cocktails or servings of soup, then eat it. The body is just starting to adapt to a new nutritional system and needs to get used to it.
- It is important to ensure a smooth entry and exit when dieting,so that your body is exposed to stress as little as possible.
- During the alcohol diet, watch your stools.It should be daily.
- This method can be used once a year. However, you can arrange fasting days using a liquid diet.
- Be sure to take vitamins throughout your fast.and healthy supplements.
- Before you start losing weightBe sure to consult your doctor.
- To avoid stool problems,You should eat one tablespoon of bran every day. In this case, you must wash them with plenty of water.
- The alcohol consumption diet is considered one of the most effectiveways to lose extra pounds. According to the observations of nutritionists, the maximum weight loss is observed in the first days.
- You shouldn't be sittingon a liquid diet for over a month.
The maximum duration of an alcohol fast should be two weeks. If you are planning a longer period, then introduce liquid cereals and soups into your diet.
What results does the diet promise?
With an alcohol consumption diet, you can lose weight depending on the duration of the diet:
- in 3 days you can lose up to 3 kg.
- in 5 days you can lose weight up to 5 kg.
- in 7 days you can lose up to 7 kg.
- in 14 days you can lose up to 13 kg.
- in 30 days you can lose up to 15 kg.
The final result is directly proportional to the following factors:
- initial weight,
- age,
- metabolic characteristics,
- physical activity,
- the amount of food consumed per day.
Such results can be achieved only if all the features of fasting consumption are observed.
Is it possible to harm the body?
The possibility of causing harm to the body through an alcohol consumption diet is great when a person ignores the recommendations of a doctor or nutritionist. In this case, various problems and negative consequences are possible.
In addition, if there are certain indications, dietary nutrition is strictly contraindicated. These include diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, liver and others.
The negative consequences of an alcohol consumption diet include the following:
- anorexia,
- gastritis,
- decrease in hemoglobin,
- reduced immunity.
If you get off the fast wrong, the possibility of anorexia is very high. In addition, during the alcohol consumption diet itself, there is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, the immune system, and gastritis may also occur.
How to get off the alcohol diet properly?
The main disadvantage of any diet is that there is a chance that you will regain the lost weight. In addition, improper output can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.
Let's consider several options for a smooth exit from the consumption diet:
- With a weekly diet, the performance lasts 15 days.
- Oatmeal is added on the first day. It should have a liquid consistency.
- We gradually introduce solid food into the diet, 1-2 products per day.
- It is recommended to start consuming protein only at 2 weeks.
Getting off a diet that lasted 14 days will take about a month. The principle is similar, only solid food is introduced once every 2 days. Fasting for one month is accompanied by withdrawal within 2 months. During all this time, continue to drink clean water (1. 5-2 liters per day).
In the first days, it is recommended to include the following products:

- steamed chicken cutlets;
- fresh fruits;
- low-fat dairy products.
- broths without salt or spices.
- vegetable stew;
- fresh vegetables;
- berries?
- sugar-free drinks.
Foods containing complex carbohydrates such as grains and cereals are not recommended. Such foods take a long time to digest, which causes stress on the body. In addition, you should avoid starchy foods. Be sure to include soft vegetables, fruits and berries in your diet.
The following products are gradually introduced into the diet:
- 1 week– liquid oatmeal.
- 2 weeks– sandwich with boiled eggs and cheese.
- 3 week- vegetables and fruits
- 4 week– salads from fresh vegetables, fish or steamed poultry.
- 5 week– Gradually transition to your usual diet.
In the future, you should remove fatty, salty, spicy and fried foods from your diet. In addition, you should now do fasting days in the form of a drink.
Depending on how long the weight loss lasted depends on the process of leaving the liquid diet. The main point is that the way out of it should be twice as long as the diet itself, for example, if you stick to a liquid diet for five days, then you need to leave it for ten. Moreover, you should not eat heavy food as it will be difficult for your stomach to digest it at first.
How not to collapse?
The alcohol diet is the most strict weight loss program and not everyone is able to withstand it.
The following recommendations can be given in order not to fail in the process of nutritional nutrition:
- It is important to have a good motivation.To do this, look at things that are too small for you, stick to photos or images of the figure you want to have.
- You constantly think about what wonderful results await you ahead.For example, that you can wear what you like and not feel complex on the beach.
- Give yourself gifts regularlytry to encourage your loved one, for example, a long-awaited purchase, a trip to the cinema. Here rely on your main preferences and imagination. Thus, it will be much easier and more pleasant for you to enter the process of losing weight.
- Eliminate negative thoughtsabout being overweight.
- Visualize your end goaland we are gradually approaching it.
With the help of these simple recommendations, you can comfortably complete the weight loss course. The main point is that you need to approach your diet only with positive thoughts.
How to save the result?
Nutritionists say that after losing weight, the extra weight can come back.
If you do not want to return to the previous state and keep the result you have, then you must use the following recommendations from experts:
- ensuring smooth entry and exit from dietary nutrition.
- give up high-calorie and salty foods.
- Play games. It is what improves the metabolism in the human body and also with its help the calories consumed are burned.
How does your health change after losing weight?
First of all, after an alcohol fast, a person loses weight.
However, in addition to this, other changes occur in the body:
- I feel better;
- shortness of breath disappears.
- fatigue goes away.
- problems with lowering high blood pressure;
- the functioning of the digestive system improves.
- The skin becomes uniform.
- the person begins to look younger.
- positive changes occur in a person's gait.
People who are overweight note that after an alcohol fast, their self-confidence increases and they begin to believe in themselves. Everything a man begins to do comes more easily to him.
Women, after losing weight with the help of a drinking diet, may have a real chance of getting pregnant.
After losing weight, a person's life begins to improve for the better. So just muster your will, tune in and you will learn all the benefits of an alcohol consumption diet.
The alcohol consumption diet is really effective and helps you lose excess weight in a short period of time. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and ensure a gradual introduction to the new diet.
In addition, important advice from nutritionists is that before starting a diet, you should consult a doctor. This is necessary to get the desired result during weight loss and to avoid possible negative consequences.